Inscription 70567173
- id
- 82574bc320b8ea9db80439e968e023371f27a8fcf70c572bf245c569680daec7i4
- metadata
- Artist
- Travis LeRoy Southworth
- Bitcoin 'Death' Notice
- Bloomberg
- Bitcoin Price at 'Death'
- $14594.78
- Collection
- The Revenant
- Day
- December 11
- Dedicated To
- Digital Asset Holders
- GIF Speed (Pulse)
- 0.5
- ID
- 222
- Title
- Intrinsic Interest
- Year
- 2017
- address
- bc1pr9y03d6mxwjjzcm0txjecqcqplldd6ex85cwv8fn4sypf227fkaqzg2hcq
- output value
- 546
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 9206 bytes
- content type
- image/gif
- timestamp
- genesis height
- 841538
- genesis fee
- 88304
- genesis transaction
- 82574bc320b8ea9db80439e968e023371f27a8fcf70c572bf245c569680daec7
- location
- 82574bc320b8ea9db80439e968e023371f27a8fcf70c572bf245c569680daec7:4:0
- output
- 82574bc320b8ea9db80439e968e023371f27a8fcf70c572bf245c569680daec7:4
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0xD88DEC640FF3330b3a08dc7734854F10dF9587D2